Series II, Cycle B
William Keeney
Parables provide insights and lessons which are timeless. When they are employed in preaching the hearer receives images which are easy to remember. Preaching the parables provides a means of communicating the teachings of Jesus for modern Christians. Preaching the parables provides a means of communicating the teachings of Jesus for modern Christians. For each Cycle B parable Keeney includes

Series III, Cycle B
Robert J. Elder, John Smylie, Kristin Borsgard Wee, Robert Leslie Holmes, Steven Molin

This essential resource is useful for:
• Fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
• Inspiring preaching illustrations and sermon starters
• Understanding scripture passages
• Adult study and discussion groups
• Personal devotions and Bible study

Cycle B Sermons for Proper 13 Through Proper 22
William Carter
In the gospel message, we see the drama of Jesus' life and ministry and are challenged to join in it. This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations

Cycle B Sermons for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany Based On the Gospel Texts
Charley Reeb
Throughout the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, we are often reminded of the importance of drawing near to God. But as the busyness of life absorbs into our homes, our relationships, and our spirits, it can be difficult to rely upon the grace of God and hear the voice of his Spirit. The promise of the season, though, is that through God's revelation to us in Christ, we can discover a hope that empowers a broken world.

Sermons And Children's Messages For Advent And Christmas, Cycle B
Susan Karen Hedahl
”The Advent/Christmas story is one that identifies specific places as the font of the rich interactions between God and humanity. The names of such locales are as familiar to us as our own homes.”

Here are six sermons with accompanying childr...

Cycle B Sermons Based on Second Lessons for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany
Ron Love
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Series II, Cycle B
Peter Andrew Smith

These are the simple, quiet vignettes Smith offers in his third collection of stories.Lectionary Stories for Preaching and Teaching: Series II, Cycle Bis inspired by the details Jesus draws from everyday life in the Gospel of Mark. Likewise, Smith delves into the ordinary to explore the extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit alive from moment to moment today.

Lectionary Stories for Preaching and Teaching is an accessible collection of stories ideal for inviting both experienced disciples and those young in the Christian faith alike to discover the Lord yet at work where and when we least expect Him.

Cycle B Sermons for Proper 16 - 29 Based on the Gospel texts
Frank Ramirez

Frank Ramirez challenges the modern Church as he explores that question in Mark His Word: Cycle B Sermons for Proper 16 through Thanksgiving Based on the Gospel Texts. Using analogies from the space race to a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov to the diary of a Civil War-era abolitionist preacher, Ramirez paints a variety of pictures of what it looks like to act in allegiance to the cause of Christ, to answer the call of the Holy Spirit no matter the consequences.

The pastor who utilizes Mark His Word will see a church reinvigorated in time for Advent, prepared to step forth courageously into the world to live and speak truth to a world dying to know it.

Cycle B Sermons for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Based on the Gospel Texts
Michael L. Sherer
Jesus is the embodiment of what God means for our world. The gospel writers who penned the first four books of the Christian scriptures have given us a variety of insights into who Jesus was and is, and why he matters for contemporary humankind. Every thoughtful person defines the world according to him- or her-self. This series of sermons aims to present 'the world according to Jesus.'