The Sermon In The Electronic Age
Michael Rogness
Michael Rogness has put his finger on a serious homiletical problem -- people accustomed to being fed a video diet are having difficulty digesting the verbal food we preachers set before them each week. Readers will be relieved that Professor Rogn

Pulpit Science Fiction
George L. Murphy
To keep the Christian message relevant in our rapidly changing times, it’s vital that churches come to terms with how modern technology and scientific knowledge have changed the way we understand the world. And because preaching is the church’s prima...

The Answer To WWJD
Robert D. Prescott-Ezickson
The acronym WWJD (What would Jesus do?) has become a popular device for making ethical and moral decisions, and evaluating how we should act in a wide range of situations. But this seemingly ubiquitous slogan has also been used to trivialize Jesus an

Series II, Cycle B (revised edition)
William Keeney
Though based in the culture of first-century Palestine, the parables Jesus told use everyday situations to illustrate timeless lessons — and they offer vivid imagery that's easy to remember. When put in a context that audiences can understand, preaching the parables is a powerful way to

An Exploration Of The Use Of Drama In Story Sermons
Jerry Eckert
As a seminary student Jerry Eckert listened to his seminary professor, Dr. W.J.A. Power, encourage his students to realize how much of scripture is story. ”Let that reality enter your preaching,” he instructed them.

Jerry Eckert became a mast...

Series VI, Cycle B
E. Carver McGriff
McGriff provides some of the most timely and thought-provoking research on the lectionary texts ever made available. Included for each Sunday in the lectionary are:
A listing of the Revised Common, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal lectionary texts.
A description of the Psalm of the day.
A prayer for the day.
Commentary that is more than academic exegesis -- McGriff brings to the

Series II, Cycle C
William Keeney
Parables provide insights and lessons that are timeless. When they are employed in preaching the hearer receives images which are easy to remember. Preaching the parables provides a means of communicating the teachings of Jesus for modern Christians.

With each parable Keeney includes:
Scripture Text so readers do not have to refer to the Bible
The theme of the parable
The context of

A New Approach To Biblical Preaching
William H. Shepherd, Jr.
This book is written for preachers who suspect that the way they were taught to preach (and for the most part are still being taught to preach) simply does not work.
The author's objective is to bring the Bible to life in the sermon in all of its

Eleven Biblical Lessons for Christian Growth
K. D. Weaver
Because the New Testament speaks directly to us as Christians, it can be tempting to focus more of our attention there at the expense of the Old Testament. However, the Hebrew scriptures still have relevance even for 21st-century Christians. Chasing Chariots is an exploration of 11 scripture passages featuring the