Children's Sermons Special
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Bible Animal Object Lessons
Samuel J. Hahn
The Bible is filled with fascinating and intriguing references to birds, animals, and insects. This wonderfully illustrated resource discusses 25 of the most significant animals in the Bible using scriptural references and scientific research. Each m

Guy Stewart
Guy Stewart, a science teacher for fifteen years, combines his love for science with his love for the Lord to create children's messages that they will not soon forget. Presented in a light, bantering, and informational style, each presentation uses

Children's Sermons
James  W. Kemp
Children are the future of the church -- and pastors are always on the lookout for creative ideas for ”children’s time.” Because abstract concepts are so difficult for children (and many adults) to grasp, it’s very important to use simple, concrete m...

Children's Sermons And Activity Pages For Lent And Easter
Julia E. Bland
One of the most striking representations of Jesus in the scriptures is that of a shepherd. Based on John 10’s statement that He is the Good Shepherd, this series of eight lessons teaches youngsters of Jesus’ unfailing love and care (even to the point

86 Messages For Children
Elaine M. Ward
Jesus told stories, and the scriptures are the sacred story of God and his people ... and since children love stories as well, what could be a more appropriate way to plant the seeds of faith than with stories? This outstanding collection provides 86

Eight Children's Sermons With Activity Pages
Julia E. Bland
Children learn that Jesus is their Lord and develop Christian character through attention-getting pictures and rhyming words in this book of children's sermons and activity pages from the prolific pen of Julia Bland. Like all of her other popular CSS

Lessons From Bible Plants
Samuel J. Hahn, Scott Patton, Illustrator
Poets and the scriptures have often spoken of Jesus as the "lily of the valley" or the "rose of Sharon," and the Bible is filled with intriguing references to a wide variety of flora. But what did these plants look like? You'll find out, and learn mu

Five Children's Sermons And Activity Pages For Advent And Christmas
Julia E. Bland
Family-oriented churches which welcome children and include them in their worship and programming are always faster growing and more vibrant. For pastors and teachers whose time is limited, these children’s messages are ready to use with little or no

Twelve Children's Sermons And Activity Pages
Julia E. Bland
Children’s stories are important times for pastors and laypeople to relate to children in the context of worship. But resources that will hold their attention and help them learn about the Bible and the Christian faith are hard to find.

52 Children's Sermons
Teresa L. Major
This collection of 52 children's sermons is designed to captivate and educate young children. Busy clergy are constantly searching for ready- to-use, interactive children's sermons that will stimulate the thinking and capture the interest of both you