Cycle A Worship Resources —
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All Cycle A items get a 20% discount on orders totaling $20 or more.
Series IV, Cycle A
Beverly S. Bailey
The church is a wonderful place to use all of our God-given senses, and this inspiring collection of liturgical resources utilizes art, music, drama, silence, and even aromas to retell the marvelous story of God's covenantal relationships with humank

19 Congregational Worship Resources, Cycle A
Pamela Urfer
A fresh look at scripture, a new presentation of the gospel, a deeper communication for God’s truth-this is what church drama has to offer.

Sunday Morning Readers’ Theater, A, offers 19 skits for use during the church year. Each skit’s

Series III, Cycle A (revised & expanded)
Amy C. Schifrin with Martha Shonkwiler
If you're looking for ways to add excitement to your Sunday morning services while continuing to follow the lectionary texts, look no further! This remarkably inventive volume includes all the core liturgical elements of worship and introduces your congregation to innovative ventures into the fine arts -- yet everything

Three-Year Record Keeper For Lectionary Users
Gloria M. Meurant
”At last! A practical planning tool for use by those responsible for implementing corporate worship! There’s just enough information to get you in the mood of each liturgical season, then lots and lots of suggestions for creative and exciting wors...

Series IV, Cycle A
James R. Wilson
Call to Worship, Collect, Prayer of Confession, and three suggested hymns based on each lectionary text (First Lesson, Second Lesson, Gospel) are provided for every Sunday of the year in cycle A. Additional non-lectionary days such as All Saints, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Worldwide Communion Sunday, and parent's days are also included.

Series V, Cycle A
Dallas A. Brauninger
This handy worship resource provides pastors and worship planners with a worship theme for each of the three scriptural texts for each Sunday and major observance in Cycle A. Also included for each First Lesson, Second Lesson, and Gospel text are Call to Worship, Collect, Prayer of Confession, and Hymn Suggestions. An index lists hymn tunes, hymn titles, and the worship hymnals they are drawn from.

Dallas A. Brauninger, a graduate of Albion

Scriptures For The Lectionary Speaking Choir, Cycle A
Dallas A. Brauninger
Dallas Brauninger offers all who plan Sunday services of worship rich varieties of uses of one lectionary passage for every Sunday: a variety of voices and groupings of voices, and a variety of settings within the service of worship itself, from c...

Margy Nelson
Thousands of Lutheran pastors, worship planners, parish organists, and music directors have already found Scriptural And Topical Indices To LBW (CSS No.5811) by Paul E. Schuessler, Thomas R. Bartsch, and David P. Rebeck to be an invaluable pla...

Cycle A
Robert S. Jarboe
Building on his previous best-selling volumes of Services for the Advent Wreath, Robert Jarboe offers a wide selection of flexible worship resources that put the Advent candles firmly in the context of the day's scripture readings. There are complete orders of service based on each Cycle A lectionary text for every Sunday in Advent, as well as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Series II, Cycle A
Wayne H. Keller
The most impressive thing about Wayne Keller's body of ideas for worship through the Christian Year is his boldness. He is bold in demanding that we, his colleagues in liturgical leadership, plan worship which has to do with the reality of our congregations' experience in the world, rather than just lead people through a proper agenda of acts and words which have no bearing on what we do the rest of the week. He is bold in challenging us to bring that real