Sermons On The Second Readings
Series I, Cycle C
Robert S. Crilley; Dallas A. Brauninger; Gary L. Carver

Price: $41.95

ISBN: 0788019694
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 490
Wherever you are in your walk with Christ, this anthology offers practical, scripture-based wisdom as well as delightfully serendipitous surprises on every page. Three outstanding preachers from diverse denominations provide a complete set of sermons for each Sunday and major celebration throughout the Christian year based on the Second Reading from Cycle C of the Revised Common Lectionary. Weaving together illustrations that enlighten the mind and warm the heart with fresh insight into New Testament epistle texts, these creative messages invite you to experience God's presence anew. Each biblically grounded sermon draws on a deep understanding of the human condition, reaffirming the hope that is ours through Jesus Christ and challenging you to a more intense faith relationship with the Almighty.

This is an essential resource that's useful for:
* Fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
* Preaching illustrations
* A clearer understanding of scripture passages
* Adult study and discussion groups
* Personal devotions and Bible study on each Sunday's readings

Dallas Brauninger has a way with words that makes one's heart sing and be open to learn and hear more. Gentle phrases leap out and make one think and wrestle with God and one's self.
Margaret Slater
Inclusive Ministry Coordinator, Local Church Ministries
United Church of Christ

Gary Carver's sermons are a delight to read. True to life, often humorous, and filled with insight, they mark points at which the gospel intersects with everyday experience, call us to renewed faith, and show us what it means to live gracefully.
R. Alan Culpepper
Dean and Professor of New Testament
McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University