Robert Blair
If you’re looking for a planning resource to help you deal with funerals and weddings, this book is worth its weight in gold. Pastors are repeatedly called on to perform these ceremonies in an infinite variety of circumstances, yet there’s no ”one-si

13 sermons based on the Gospel of Luke
Robert Blair
"Do you feel as though God favors you? That He is on your side? That He is always with you?"

These are the questions Robert Blair asks in the first of 13 sermons in Luke Alive, Volume 1. They cut straight to the Christian heart. They address our greatest fear: that we might not be good enough for God.That we might not enjoy his favor.

Blair does not stop short at dismissing our fears with a casual overview of grace. He addresses where they come from, a natural drive to earn favor, to work toward something we can never fully attain ourselves. The Gospel of Luke shows us what we can "earn" with our actions and what we can't.

In Mary, the Mother of Jesus we have an image of what it means to be chosen, to be given the Lord's favor. In Jesus' proclamation of the year of the Lord's favor at Nazareth we see that, favored as we may be, there is a kind of favor we can earn when we seize the opportunity. In the story of Jesus and his disciples picking grain on the Sabbath we learn that we do not earn favor by following rules.

That's when it gets really exciting.

Luke Alive guides ministers through our deepest of Christian fears and desires, and offers satisfying answers based firmly in scripture. It is a must-have volume for pastors seeking to answer direct questions with plain language, whether from the pulpit or the living room couch.

13 Sermons Based on the Gospel of Luke
Robert Blair
Luke Alive guides ministers through the deepest of Christian fears and desires, and offers satisfying answers based firmly in scripture. It is a must-have volume for pastors seeking to answer direct questions with plain language, whether from the pulpit or the living room couch.

Volume 1 & 2 — 26 Sermons Based on the Gospel of Luke
Robert Blair
Luke Alive, Volume 1 & 2 guides ministers through our deepest of Christian fears and desires, and offers satisfying answers based firmly in scripture. It is a must-have volume for pastors seeking to answer direct questions with plain language, whether from the pulpit or the living room couch.

Seeing Through Revelation
Robert Blair
Of a Revelation lecture series Robert conducted when formulating his theories, Dr. Frank Pack, former Dean of Graduate Studies, Pepperdine University, wrote: “The great and fascinating themes are examined in a scholarly fashion that brings a brilliance of understanding and comfort to both scholars and students alike. Never before have I seen such a comprehensive lecture series that educates the students in the Old and New Testaments’ relation to the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ.”

Communion Meditations
William Powell Tuck
Communion is one of the few universal practices in every Christian church, yet even communion can be divisive as followers of Christ wrestle with how to properly obey the Lord's command: "This do in remembrance of me." The Abiding Presence: Communion Meditations is an invitation to all believers to come together around the central meaning of communion on which all Christians can agree.

Series II, Cycle C
Peter Andrew Smith
They can serve as a companion when studying the scripture, as illustrations for sermons, and as devotional material for personal or group use.  Smith offers thought-provoking contemplations on Cycle C lectionary passages that draw out the biblical theme by relating it to aspects of modern life we have all experienced.

Gospel Sermons for an Entire Year
Susan R. Andrews, R. Robert Cueni, Robert C. Cochran, Molly James, George Reed, O.S.L.
If you're get ideas and gain confidence reading full-length sermons and/or use them as spring boards for your own sermons, or looking for great illustrative material, you can't go wrong with this series of sermons based on the Cycle C Gospel texts

Cycle C Sermons for Pentecost Day Through Proper 12 Based on the Gospel Texts
Robert C. Cochran
Cochran's sermons merge truths found throughout the ancient pages of Scripture with present-day relevance and urgency. Designed as a sermon resource, Spirit Works can also be used as a devotional for small group or private study.

Six Lenten Sermons And Worship Services
Robert C. McCreight
The Psalms have long been recognized as a rich resource for individual spiritual enrichment and for magnificent corporate liturgical expression in the life of the church.

The Psalms Were Made For Lent provides a collection of six sermo