Arnold B. Cheyney
In Writing -- A Way to Pray Arnold Cheyney offers a practical method of writing as an act of prayer. He shows how to pray with more meaning, thought, and imagination by writing with Scripture as our focus. This method differs from other kinds

Maps and Visions
Mary C. Boys
Mary Boys offers a new way of thinking about what it means to educate religiously. Utilizing the method of map-making to broaden the context of American religious education, Boys defines a process that incorporates each instructor’s own experi...

Ronald H. Nash
An illuminating book that throws down the gauntlet to those who would capture evangelical Christianity for leftist causes. A free market champion, Nash insists that socialism caricatures capitalism and disadvantages more than it helps the needy.

St. Augustine's Theory of Knowledge
Ronald H. Nash
St. Augustine is not only the bridge that links ancient philosophy and early Christian theology with the thought of the Middle Ages, but one who, in his philosophy and especially in his epistemology, anticipated some of the most important ideas of Descartes and Malbranche, Berkeley and Kant.

A Guide For Caregivers
George Fitchett
How do pastors, chaplains, and caregivers assess the spiritual well-being and needs of the people they minister to? George Fitchett presents a model for spiritual assessment that he and his colleagues developed, illustrated with case studies. He revi...

Identity, Challenges, and Spirituality of Lay Ministers
Greg Dues and Barbara Walkley
Today men and women of all ages and all walks of life are drawn to service in the church, but many question where they should begin. This book helps answer many of those questions, like: What is parish ministry? How and why did it develop? What sp...

Evangelization and the Subversive Memory of Jesus
Mortimer Arias
This book offers a program for Christian evangelism based on the teachings of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

This is a superb resource volume for those wishing to test the soundness of their understanding and practice of Christian evange

Richard M. Zaner
Ethics and the Clinical Encounter explores the moral dimensions of clinical medicine and the phenomenon of illness, to determine what ethics must be in order to be fully responsive to clinical encounters. Written in a lively and conversational

Historical Perspectives on Vatican II
John O'Malley
When Pope John XXIII announced in January 1959 his intention to convene an ecumenical council, few anticipated the bold reshaping of the institutional church which was in store. The Second Vatican Council was a seminal event in church history -- yet

The Sociology of American Religion
David O. Moberg
The book's eight parts treat characteristics of American churches, types of churches, their social functions and dysfunctions, social processes and the church, inter-institutional relations, social psychology of Amercian religion, and professional le