Series II, Cycle C
John Clarke, Lee Ann Dunlap, Mary Lautensleger, Stan Purdum, Frank Ramirez

This essential resource is useful for:
• Fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
• Inspiring preaching illustrations and sermon starters
• Understanding scripture passages
• Bible study and discussion groups
• Personal devotions and inspirational reading

Monologues and Children's Lessons for Advent and Christmas
Edward G. Hunter

Jesus Reflects is a book of eight dramatic monologues on the Advent/Christmas theme, coupled with a children's sermon with each monologue. The series begins with Thanksgiving and concludes with Epiphany Sunday.

Cycle B Sermons for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany Based On the Gospel Texts
Charley Reeb
Throughout the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, we are often reminded of the importance of drawing near to God. But as the busyness of life absorbs into our homes, our relationships, and our spirits, it can be difficult to rely upon the grace of God and hear the voice of his Spirit. The promise of the season, though, is that through God's revelation to us in Christ, we can discover a hope that empowers a broken world.

A Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Story
Georgianna Summers
The familiar music and scripture of the Christmas season is interwoven with prayers and responses for the congregation in this well-crafted Christmas Eve candlelight worship resource.

A Candlelight Service For The Sundays In Advent Or For Christmas Eve
Mary Lu Warstler
Present the Christmas story to your congregation this year with story, song, verse, and warmth of candlelight. This beautiful service includes an optional service of Holy Communion, suggested hymns and prayers, and a complete order of worship.

Retail Price: $7.95 (Save $2.00)
First Lesson Sermons for the Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third), Cycle B
Zan W. Holmes, Jr.
Trouble is an equal opportunity employer. Trouble is a democratic process which does not discriminate against anyone. That is why the title of this sermon is not ”If Trouble Comes,” but ”When Trouble Comes”.... Jesus never promised us that we woul...

Exegesis, Commentary, Preaching Suggestions, and Gospel Sermons for a Full Year
David O. Bales, Charley Reeb, John Jamison, Ron Lavin, Rick McCracken-Bennett, April Yamasaki
Get everything you need for Cycle B in this package. You'll be more thoroughly prepared and confident than ever before.

Seven Week Interactive Course To Prepare Couples For Marriage
Daryl Donovan
Mentoring for Marriage is an excellent resource for pastors, counselors, engaged couples, married couples, and mentors. This resource enables a reliance upon wisdom and encourages open and honest discourse for any couple wanting a God's-eye view of marriage before they say "I do."

A Guide For Membership Classes
Jerry Schmalenberger
Why do Lutherans believe what they do? Lutheran Christians and Their Beliefs is a six-part course first written for a television presentation in Des Moines, Iowa. Lutherans have a rich heritage of contributions to basic beliefs, which the author illustrates very well. It is a composite of the material the author, Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Schmalenberger, used in New Member classes throughout his ministry.

Worded with inclusive language, this resource has an ecumenical view. The elements are consistent with Lutheran theology, and at the same time, it does not put down other denominations. Rather, this book gives positive information and comparison with the brothers and sisters of the Christian family. Lutherans are presented as one of the many legitimate Christian denominations.

This booklet can best be understood by reading with your Bible in hand!

Book II
Jerry Schmalenberger
Lutheran Christians and Their Beliefs, Book II is the follow up to Jerry Schmalenberger’s six-part study booklet, Lutheran Christians and Their Beliefs, for people who are considering membership in a Lutheran church and want to learn more about the faith. It will also be useful to people who desire to refresh their knowledge about the history and reasons why Lutherans believe what they do.

Book II has been developed in similar fashion to Book I, but for people who have recently joined a Lutheran congregation. It is written to motivate further development of Christian discipleship. Book II uses inclusive language throughout, so as not to put down other denominations, and the tone of the book is to see all Christians in a positive way. As with Book I, you will want to read this book with your Bible in hand.