A Maundy Thursday Resource
Marion Fairman
This service requires little preparation and involves only three readers. The build up to Holy Communion is dramatic and scriptural, climaxing in the betrayal of Judas, the sense of corporate guilt and the need for forgiveness.

In Table Ta...

A Children's Christmas Program
Phyllis Maclay
For the small church that does not have a lot of time to prepare, here is an ideal Christmas program and worship service. It can be presented as part of a Sunday School program or Sunday worship service.

The true message of Christmas is spoke

Lent/Easter, Cycle A
John A. TenBrook
John TenBrook follows up his popular CSS titles Thespian Theology: The Parables Of Jesus As One-Act Plays and Thespian Theology: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Cycle A with an all-new collection of fun and enlightening sketches based on Cyc...

Cycle C Sermons for Lent/Easter Based on the Gospel Texts
Susan R. Andrews

Preaching is a privilege. To dare to proclaim the living word of God is to engage in the mysterious work of incarnation. And so, preaching takes both courage and humility. Nothing trivializes God more than a sloppy sermon or a lazy preacher. Our people are starving for a nourishing word, and we dare not feed them junk food.
— from the Preface

The reader of these meditations, based upon the gospel lessons for Cycle C of the Revised

Series I, Cycle C
Steven E. Albertin; Charles D. Reeb; Richard E. Gribble
Filled with wit, insight, and inspiration, this anthology includes sermons for every Sunday and major celebration throughout the Christian year based on the First Readings from Cycle C of the Revised Common Lectionary. Three outstanding preachers from diverse denominational backgrounds interpret texts from the Old Testament and Acts in fresh ways that proclaim the Good News for the 21st century. Their powerful messages remind us that the Hebrew scriptures are much more than just ancient history and

Sermon, Worship and Drama Resources
Timothy W Ayers, Richard Gribble, Brand Eaton, Bill Thomas, Janet Burton, Roger E. Timm, Rolf Svanoe
Make life easier for you and your congregation by getting the tools and resources you need for an active and enthusiastic Lent.

13 sermons based on the Gospel of Luke
Robert Blair
"Do you feel as though God favors you? That He is on your side? That He is always with you?"

These are the questions Robert Blair asks in the first of 13 sermons in Luke Alive, Volume 1. They cut straight to the Christian heart. They address our greatest fear: that we might not be good enough for God.That we might not enjoy his favor.

Blair does not stop short at dismissing our fears with a casual overview of grace. He addresses where they come from, a natural drive to earn favor, to work toward something we can never fully attain ourselves. The Gospel of Luke shows us what we can "earn" with our actions and what we can't.

In Mary, the Mother of Jesus we have an image of what it means to be chosen, to be given the Lord's favor. In Jesus' proclamation of the year of the Lord's favor at Nazareth we see that, favored as we may be, there is a kind of favor we can earn when we seize the opportunity. In the story of Jesus and his disciples picking grain on the Sabbath we learn that we do not earn favor by following rules.

That's when it gets really exciting.

Luke Alive guides ministers through our deepest of Christian fears and desires, and offers satisfying answers based firmly in scripture. It is a must-have volume for pastors seeking to answer direct questions with plain language, whether from the pulpit or the living room couch.

13 Sermons Based on the Gospel of Luke
Robert Blair
Luke Alive guides ministers through the deepest of Christian fears and desires, and offers satisfying answers based firmly in scripture. It is a must-have volume for pastors seeking to answer direct questions with plain language, whether from the pulpit or the living room couch.

Volume 1 & 2 — 26 Sermons Based on the Gospel of Luke
Robert Blair
Luke Alive, Volume 1 & 2 guides ministers through our deepest of Christian fears and desires, and offers satisfying answers based firmly in scripture. It is a must-have volume for pastors seeking to answer direct questions with plain language, whether from the pulpit or the living room couch.

Retail Price: $69.80 (Save $29.85)
Cycle A Sermons for Advent 1 through Thanksgiving
John B. Jamison, April Yamasaki, William G. Carter, Steven Molin
This collection of sermons will provide you with ideas, illustrations, and approaches to Cycle A Gospel texts.