An Easter Drama
Louis M. Merryman
Fragrance Of A New Dawn was performed during Easter at the Long Beach Alliance Church while I was pastor. It had humor and drama, and powerfully portrayed the effects of the resurrection of Christ on the lives of broken-hearted believers wh

Christmas Eve Worship Service
Betty Lynn Schwab
Every congregation should consider incorporating this welcome addition to Christmas resources into its programming soon.
Walter Farquharson
The United Church of Canada

The blend of insights and sounds makes the

Gospel Sermons For Lent and Easter, Cycle C
Glenn E. Ludwig
Someday ... Someday ... perhaps the impact of God's grace and love and forgiveness will move us in the depths of our being to live the new life he offers for us. Someday. Maybe, this day.

Glenn E. Ludwig writes that Lent has often been called

Series II, Cycle B
Wayne H. Keller

What Jesus Would Say Today
E. Carver McGriff
Here is a creative approach to Bible study that will spark discussion. McGriff tackles such issues as divorce, homosexuality, the divinity of Jesus, and miracles. This book will be of interest to church groups as well as to individuals wrestling with

Advent/Christmas Sermons From The Book Of Haggai
Frank Ramirez
After many years of preaching from the first three chapters of Luke and the first two chapters of Matthew, Frank Ramirez decided to preach about something a little different around Christmastime. What evolved was this series of seven messages for the

People Of Faith Speak To Their Times And Ours
David G. Rogne
Even though the sermon is perhaps the central element of Protestant worship, preachers sometimes have difficulty capturing the imagination of their audiences and communicating the spiritual resources that worshipers need. But the messages in David Ro

Lenten Congregational Resources
Richard J. Hull, II
The sacrificial life of Christ is a major focus of Lent. Symbols Of Sacrifice provides congregations with opportunities to create visual worship aids representing Christ’s life during worship.

Each weekly presentation builds a growing

The Preacher's Edge
Jerry L. Schmalenberger
The Preacher’s Edge puts to work the basic principles of oratory and persuasive speaking with creative pulpit techniques. It is written to be used by preachers for a revival and renewal of their preaching.

From this book one can learn

Seven Sermons And Object Lessons For Lent And Easter Day
Thomas A. Pilgrim
Jesus and his kindom are the focus of this seven-part preaching series for Lent and Easter Day. Thomas Pilgrim, a seasoned proclaimer and an effective parish pastor, brings the reader and the listener face to face with Jesus and his claims upon Chris