Living Parables
Illustrating The Message With Drama
Timothy Ayers

Price: $12.95

ISBN: 0788011715
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 78
These brief 3- to 5-minute skits provide an effective introduction for a talk or sermon. Other uses are for family night programs, Bible study introductions, youth meetings, and special times of the year such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Easter. A topical index lists dozens of subjects the skits address: from aging, business practices, children, and friendship to lying, marriage, mid-life crisis, relationships, and work.

The index lists over 100 topics:
The dysfunctional marriage/relationship
Stressful living
Ethics and reputations
McChurch -- church attendance
Easter service
1-900-Midlife (crisis)
Mother's Day
... and dozens more!

These clever, witty, inspirational skits will inspire discussion and promote deeper faith and commitment.

As a church planter, Timothy W. Ayers has established some of the fastest growing churches in the United States. His experiences in youth ministry and church evangelism were the inspiration for creating a "Living Parable Ministry of Drama." Ayers is currently a writer and Art Director for Ink, Inc. He also serves as Vice President of Marketing for METCorp. He and his wife live in New Castle, Pennsylvania.