The Master's Cabinet
Lives Of Faith And Service
Robert L. Allen

Price: $8.95

ISBN: 0788023098
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 80
Whether in business, government, or even ministry, effective leaders must be able to delegate many responsibilities. And because they depend so much on their deputies, it is vital that these leaders have a high degree of trust in their closest advisors. For example, the distinguished men and women who serve the President of the United States in his cabinet must go through an exhaustive selection process, including numerous background checks and Senate confirmation. This rigorous examination guarantees that only those who have the complete trust and confidence of the chief executive will be chosen.

In the same manner, the twelve disciples who served in the Master's cabinet were carefully chosen. But who were these men who were so important to Jesus' ministry? Culled from a variety of backgrounds, they were extremely important figures -- for it was the disciples who carried the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection throughout the world. Had they not remained faithful, even when faced with death, our understanding of God's love in Jesus Christ might well be very different.

The Master's Cabinet examines the life and influence of each of the disciples. As you read these essays, you'll get a clear picture of the key role these men played in the spreading of the faith, and appreciate the enormous debt of gratitude we owe them for their selfless service.

Robert L. Allen is currently the senior minister of First United Methodist Church in Wichita Falls, Texas, where he has developed a television ministry reaching over 150,000 homes each week. Allen previously served for 15 years as the senior minister of Wesley United Methodist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. While at Wesley, he developed their television ministry reaching throughout Oklahoma and into three other states. Allen also coordinated the efforts of more than 500 chaplains during the search and recovery efforts following the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. He is the author of five other CSS books, including All About Eve.