Series II, Cycle B
Constance Berg
Everyone remembers and enjoys a good story -- and heartfelt stories touch us in ways nothing else can. Jesus used stories or parables to emphasize his points and lead his listeners to look at themselves and examine their motivations.

This collection of stories illustrating biblical passages from Cycle B of the Revised Common

Stories And Metaphors For The Pulpit
Jerry Schmalenberger
Schmalenberger shares this collection of 475 illustrations and narratives gathered from his own preaching journals. The material will be useful to any preacher and is organized by topic.

This book contains 475 illustrations, anecdotes, metaph

62 Stories For Cycle B
John E. Sumwalt and Jo Perry-Sumwalt
Stories to help the preacher touch the hearts of adults ... children ... to evoke laughter and tears with an ironic twist or a surprise ending ...

John Sumwalt's stories are a treat-the Gospel comes alive in common life and in regular peop

Visions Of The Holy In Ordinary Lives
John E. Sumwalt, Editor
The Bible is filled with stories of shining moments -- Moses' face shone as he came down from the mountain with the ten commandments; Jesus' face changed and his clothes became dazzling white in a transfiguration witnessed by the disciples; Paul was

Sports Anecdotes For Preachers
Richard A. Hasler
God’s Game Plan will add color, warmth, humor, and imagination to any preacher’s message. Its anecdotes can be used by anyone who seeks to interpret more effectively the Good News in our day.

The book includes over 75 sports anecdotes

An Exploration Of The Use Of Drama In Story Sermons
Jerry Eckert
As a seminary student Jerry Eckert listened to his seminary professor, Dr. W.J.A. Power, encourage his students to realize how much of scripture is story. ”Let that reality enter your preaching,” he instructed them.

Jerry Eckert became a mast...

56 Stories For Cycle A
Merle G. Franke
Storytelling is the way much of the Gospel is presented to us. Many or most of today's dynamic preachers make wide use of narratives in their preaching. This book provides 56 stories that enhance the preacher's ability to drive home the message of the scripture texts. It is a valuable addition to every lectionary preacher's resource library.

*Two boys decide to paint their old car. They think

Twelve Short Stories Based On New Testament Parables
Merle G. Franke
”I would like to withdraw the money from my trust fund, Momma all of it,” she announced rather tentatively. She wasn’t too concerned what her mother would say, but she knew her sister would once again act the role of stern maiden aunt. She was right.

Forty Tellable Tales For Cycle C
John E. Sumwalt
All these stories will touch the heart; some will evoke laughter and tears.

Here is a collection of 40 stories, each simple and to the point. They are based on lectionary cycle C. The stories examine basic theological and moral questions.