Forming New Adult Christians Through Conversion And Baptism
Frank G. Honeycutt
The process described in this book will lead to church members who are more deeply committed and more firmly rooted in their faith. It brings together worship, Christian education and social outreach in a detailed program that is directed to the adul

Reflections On The Ten Commandments
Robert G. Tuttle
Suppose you are flying alone at night. It is stormy and you are lost. Your fuel is running low.... You are about to give up when suddenly there is a break in the clouds and there below you is a narrow string of lights. A place to land! Thank God! Wou

How the Supreme Court's First Amendment Decisions Affect Organized Religion
Kathryn Page Camp
An unbiased account of the effect Supreme Court decisions have on organized religion.

  • Features the largest number of actual cases in one volume ever made available to the general public.
  • A perfect resource for the library of those who are touched by the First Amendment and freedom of religion issues.
  • A great reference for

Tormenting Questions In A Bizarre World
Noel Francisco
The provocative ponderings and questions of a modern-day prophet will change how you look at life. These vignettes are a launching pad for a sermon, a group discussion, or personal reflection and growth.

When you read this book you will chang

Reflections Of A Seminary President
Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr.
Why does ministry in the church so often resemble dull prose rather than sparkling poetry?

How do we handle always getting top billing and being at center stage in the drama of parish life?

What is the truth in Flannery O’Connor’s obs...

Daily Reflections On The Advent Season
Richard E. Gribble
Those looking for a resource that will deepen and enrich their spiritual life during the Advent/Christmas season will find that resource here. These reflections will strengthen the reader’s mental preparation and will serve as a starling point for pr...

Living the Stories Jesus told in Real Time
Michelle Van Loon
Jesus? most familiar parables are examined in three ways: From the context of the text, through an imaginative retelling of the story behind the story of the parable, and how the parable looks today in real time through actual stories of people living now.

True Life Stories from an Imaginary Town (Revised)
Michael Pearson
Looking for delightful and heartwarming stories that present familiar spiritual truths in new and delightful ways? Then you'll definitely enjoy this collection of brief parables in the form of humorous letters sent to Pastor Mike from a fictional parishioner. The letters chronicle a five-year time frame in the life of the small town of "Maybe,"

The Romance Of Preaching
James W. Angell
This book is NOT a "how-to" text. It makes a unique contribution to the literature on preaching because of the way it brings a lifetime of preaching to bear on the challenges faced by all those who stand in contemporary pulpits.

It is written

One Christian's Struggle
Terry Boyd
”Terry Boyd has touched theological depths and clear biblical understanding in his book, Living With AIDS: One Christian’s Struggle. A victim of the dread pandemic ... Boyd shares the practical reality of his intimate experiences with the i...