Cycle C Stories/Illustrations —
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Series II, Cycle C
Peter Andrew Smith
They can serve as a companion when studying the scripture, as illustrations for sermons, and as devotional material for personal or group use.  Smith offers thought-provoking contemplations on Cycle C lectionary passages that draw out the biblical theme by relating it to aspects of modern life we have all experienced.

Series IV, Cycle C
Timothy F. Merrill
If you're looking for imaginative reflections that take you right to the heart of the scriptures, the newest edition of CSS' popular Lectionary Tales For The Pulpit series is the perfect resource for you. Timothy Merrill offers 65 thought-provoking contemplations on Cycle C lectionary passages that draw out the biblical theme by relating it to aspects of modern life we have all experienced. This book is not only great for preaching

Series III, Cycle C
Constance Berg
Everyone remembers and enjoys a good story -- and heartfelt stories touch us in ways nothing else can. Jesus used stories or parables to emphasize his points and lead his listeners to look at themselves and examine their motivations.

This collection of stories illustrating biblical passages from Cycle C of the Revised Common Lectionary will touch your soul. Berg speaks to the person in the pew with accounts drawn from conversations with

Series V, Cycle C
Gregory L. Tolle

Whether it's bedtime stories for young children, scary tales around the campfire, or shared narratives from the "electronic hearth" of television, stories are a primary mode of human communication. For preachers, they're a key part of the homiletic toolbox -- captivating stories are an essential way to connect with listeners and capture their attention. Jesus knew this -- he was a master storyteller, and in his sermons he didn't lecture, he told parables to illustrate his message and help his audience remember important points.

Series II, Cycle C
John R. Steward
John Steward is a pastor who knows the power of a well told story. Here is a book full of treasures ... well told stories that and preacher or teacher can use.
Dr. Bruce Larson

Readers will find 53 gripping stories that will amplify and illustrate the scriptural text for the lectionary for each Sunday. Many are adaptations from literature, while others are original.

Preachers will use this resource to hold their listeners' attention

A Compendium of Stories from StoryShare -- A Component of
Everyone loves a good story. Storytellers who excel at their craft have the ability to draw readers or listeners into the worlds they create, using characters and situations to both entertain and enlighten us. Jesus, the Master Storyteller, often spoke using parables -- short stories that conveyed a spiritual truth. By drawing his listeners into his story, he unlocked their minds and hearts to hear the truth he was

Mary Austin, Mark Ellingsen, Keith Hewitt, Derl Keefer, Schuyler Rhodes, Dave Zuchelli, Richard A. Hasler, David O. Bales
This package of resources will help you gain insight from new and different perspectives. Using these books will give you confidence and enthusiasm all year long.

Series III, Cycle C
Keith Hewitt
The 59 stories based on Cycle C texts by Keith Hewitt will help you deliver your message in creative and captivating ways.