Joy Songs, Trumpet Blasts, And Hallelujah Shouts
Sermons In The African-American Preaching Tradition
Carlyle Fielding Stewart, III

Price: $15.95

ISBN: 0788008552
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 149
This compelling sermons collection explores the art and uniqueness of African-American preaching. Readers will discover the ritual drama and the processes, form and substance of black storytelling that are pivotal elements coloring African-American culture. This is an intriguing, in-depth look into a unique art form.

To fully appreciate the empowering nature inherent in black sermons, Stewart explores the four distinguishing elements that make this genre "a four-cornered universe." They are:
Poetic recitation
Imaginative insight
Spiritual pharmacology
Spiritual and social transformation

Stewart presents readers with some of his most captivating sermons, including:
Let It Shine
Advent's "Invisible" Man
Take Off the Grave Clothes
African-American Spirituality: The African Gift to America

Carlyle Fielding Stewart, III, earned Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Chicago Theological Seminary and a Ph. D. From Northwestern University. For the last 13 years he has been pastor of Hope United Methodist Church in Southfield, Michigan. Hope Church has received Church Growth awards in the Detroit Conference the last five years, which Dr. Stewart attributes to his development of empowerment ministries. A recipient of the 1993 Circuit Rider Award, he co-founded the Detroit Black United Methodist Scholarship Committee. He is the author of seven books and over 50 journal and newspaper articles.