What's That Supposed To Mean?
Using The Catechism In The 21st Century
James A. Lucas

Price: $23.95

ISBN: 0788015648
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 244
Every pastor, catechism teacher, and serious student of the catechism will want to have a copy of this valuable resource in his or her library.
This volume may serve as a ...
* sermon series for pastors
* devotional for members of the parish
* new member handbook
* guide for catechetical students

As I reveiwed the 52 devotional sermons on Luther's Small Catechism ... I was impressed by the quality. I can well imagine a congregation and its pastor making use of these sermons to delve more deeply into the treasures of the Small Catechism.
A. L. Barry, President
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

James A. Lucas earned degrees from Concordia College and Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and has engaged in additional study at McCook Community College in Nebraska and received Chaplain Officer basic and advanced military training. He is currently a candidate for the S.T.M. degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.