Scenes From The Life
A Collection Of Monologues, Sketches, And A Short Play
Joseph McBee

Price: $12.95

ISBN: 0788023586
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 84

Joseph McBee's well-crafted scripts reflect three loves: a love for the gift of communication, a love for the art of drama, and a love for the things of God. This union of communicator, artist, and believer makes McBee a formidable writer and his scripts a valuable resource and tool.
Dennis Lewallen
Artistic Director, Samford Studio
Avondale Estates, Georgia

Truth and reality coming at you from everyday life - that's what Joseph McBee gives you in this collection. Stories touch the heart like nothing else, and the ones in this book will definitely tug the chain of the soul.
Bradley White
Senior Pastor, City Harvest Worship Center
Lilburn, Georgia

Create living illustrations of the Christian life that will make audiences laugh, cry, and even occasionally wince in truthful recognition with this superb collection of comic, dramatic, and seasonal material. Appropriate for any denomination and audience, these brief sketches and monologues examine topics ranging from faith to gossip, from conviction to children's work, in a humorous and poignant style. The easy-to-stage pieces utilize small casts and can be performed in any setting with minimal costumes and a few simple props, making them accessible to church drama groups of all sizes. Scenes From The Life is a great source for attention-getting sermon introductions, worship enhancers, or just entertaining fun with a message.

Some of the insightful pieces include:

? All Quiet on the Front Pew
? The Great Church Trade-In
? The Nursery Zone
? The Faith Bridge
? A Sparrow Falls
? Joey The Wise Guy
...and several more!

Joseph McBee lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where he works as a regional trainer for Oc? Business Services. He is a member of the creative team of Art Within, a group of Christian theatre artists in Atlanta, and he also directs his congregation's arts ministry.