Sermons On The Gospel Readings
Series II, Cycle B
Richard E. Gribble, David T. Ball, John T. Ball, George Reed, Stan Purdum

Price: $24.95

ISBN: 0788023705
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 402

Packed with inspiring illustrations that enlighten the mind and warm the heart, this complete collection of thoughtful sermons for each Sunday and major celebration throughout the entire church year is a gold mine of creative preaching ideas -- and an invaluable source of insight into faithful Christian living amidst the challenges of today's secular world. Five outstanding preachers from diverse ministry settings reflect on the events of Jesus' life and their contemporary meaning in messages based on Gospel passages from Cycle B of the Revised Common Lectionary. Combining a strong foundation in the scriptural text with a deep understanding of vital current issues, these sermons passionately proclaim the Good News while pointing readers toward a strengthened and renewed spiritual relationship with Christ, the rock of our salvation.

This essential resource is useful for:
? Fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
? Preaching illustrations
? Understanding scripture passages
? Adult study and discussion groups
? Personal devotions and Bible study

Richard E. Gribble, CSC is an associate professor in the department of religious studies at Stonehill College in North Easton, Massachusetts. The author of more than a dozen books and over 175 articles, Father Gribble is the former rector/superior of Moreau Seminary at the University of Notre Dame. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and served for five years on nuclear submarines before entering the priesthood. Gribble earned his Ph.D. from The Catholic University of America, and has also earned degrees from the University of Southern California and the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley. Among Gribble's previous CSS publications is a three-volume series on The Parables Of Jesus.

David T. Ball is an attorney with a dual background in law and ministry. He is currently the associate director of the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation as well as an adjunct faculty member at Methodist Theological School in Ohio; previously he served as campus chaplain and director of religious affairs at Denison University. Ball holds degrees from Ohio Wesleyan University (B.A.); the University of California, Berkeley (J.D.); Boston University School of Theology (M.Div.); and the Graduate Theological Union (Ph.D. in systematic theology). He is married to Kim L. Keethler Ball, the senior pastor of University Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio.

John T. Ball has served numerous United Methodist congregations throughout western Ohio. A graduate of Ohio State University and Boston University School of Theology, he has had articles published in Circuit Rider, Christian Ministry, and Emphasis. Ball is the author of Barefoot In The Palace (CSS).

George Reed, OSL has served various congregations in the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church for 25 years. A member of the Order of Saint Luke, he has professed life vows and is the founding Prior of the order's Saint Francis chapter. Reed is currently the senior pastor of The Church of the Good Shepherd in Columbus, Ohio. He is a contributing author to The Daily Office: A Book of Hours for Daily Prayers and is also a regular contributor to the online service The Immediate Word.

Stan Purdum is the pastor of Centenary United Methodist Church in Waynesburg, Ohio. He is also the editor of the CSS preaching journal Emphasis, and has written extensively for both the religious and secular press. Purdum is the author of Roll Around Heaven All Day and Playing In Traffic, both accounts of his long-distance bicycle journeys, as well as New Mercies I See (CSS) and He Walked in Galilee (Abingdon Press).