The Road to Hallelujah
Daily Meditations for Advent & Christmas
Dean Feldmeyer (Editor), Mary Austin, Chris Keating, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Tom Willadsen

Price: $9.95
Retail Price: $17.95 (Save $8.00)

ISBN: 0788030086
Pages: 138

Does the activity and busy calendar of the Christmas season wear you out? Are you always looking for a way to slow down when everyone around you seems to be speeding up? Do you long for the “old days” when faith and family seemed more important than finding that perfect “something” for people you barely know?

The writing team of The Immediate Word has come together to offer a respite from the frenzy of a busy season; to invite you to take some time to ponder the gift of God to the people of the earth. This daily devotional for the seasons of Advent and Christmas will help to deepen your faith during a period that has become filled with frenetic activity and distractions in our contemporary world. Explore scripture during the season of Advent with the TIW team. Take time each day during this busy holiday season to slow down — becoming closer to God and his son, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

Mary Austin is the Senior Pastor of Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church, a diverse Presbyterian congregation in the Washington, DC area. She is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and has served churches in New Jersey and Michigan.

George Reed, OSL has served as a minister in the United Methodist church for over thirty years. He holds degrees from Wright State University and United Theological Seminary.

Christopher Keating is pastor of Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Church in suburban St. Louis, Missouri. He is the graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and Saint Paul School of Theology.

Thomas Willadsen has been a Presbyterian minister for more than 25 years, serving in Minnesota, Maryland and Wisconsin. He has served The Cresset, Valparaiso University’s Review of Literature, the Arts and Public Affairs as humorist since 1996.

Bethany Peerbolte serves as the Associate Pastor of Youth and Mission at First Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Michigan. She earned her M.Div. degree from Ecumenical Theological Seminary.

Dean Feldmeyer recently retired as a minister in the United Methodist Church. He is an award-winning author of four novels, three nonfiction books, three plays, and numerous articles, essays, and short stories.