I Love to Preach the Story, Cycle A
Finding Our Roots in Genesis and Exodus
Rolf D. Svanoe

Price: $15.95

ISBN: 0788030469
Size: 6x9
Pages: 100

While most lectionary preachers focus mostly on gospel texts for their sermons (and rightly so) Rolf Svanoe has written a book encouraging pastors to explore the Old Testament of the lectionary. Specifically for Cycle A, this first book in the series concentrates on the origin stories from Genesis and Exodus. These stories are endlessly fascinating and provide rich homiletical territory for preachers. Preaching a series on these stories can help to build interest and continuity throughout the summer. 

Rolf Svanoe’s commentary on the Semi-Continuous Lectionary readings is a most welcome help to preachers! Recognizing the vital role that stories play in our lives, Svanoe guides preachers in bringing the narratives of Old Testament to life so that people can make these stories their own and thereby encounter the God to whom they witness. Biblical insight, narrative acumen, and a deep pastoral heart make this a valuable resource for any preacher who loves to tell the story. — Dr. David Lose, Senior Pastor, Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN. Author of Making Sense Series.

I found that I Love To Preach The Story helps to fill in the gap of up-to-date aids for preaching. The author knows how to preach, and keeps these sermons well-grounded and also solidly rooted in the Bible. I recommend it! — Dr. James Limburg, Professor Emeritus, Old Testament, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN USA

In I Love to Preach the Story, Pastor Rolf Svanoe has provided a marvelous resource for preaching during the summer, using the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) alternative semi-continuous Old Testament readings for years A, B and C. For each reading Rolf provides: 1) a responsive form of the reading that includes congregational participation; 2) a brief sermon that often includes a related contemporary (sometime personal) story; and 3) a hymn suggestion that supports the reading and the sermon. I highly recommend I Love to Preach the Story as a resource that will encourage your creativity in preaching and engaging your listeners. — Rev. Steven H. Delzer, Bishop Emeritus. Southeast Minnesota Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

This book is one in a three-part series, detailing years A, B, and C of the Revised Common Lectionary.

Rolf Svanoe received his M. Div and D. Min from Luther Seminary. He has served at Lutheran churches throughout Wisconsin, South Dakota, and Minnesota since 1986. In retirement, Rolf works part-time at Vesterheim Norwegian American Museum in Decorah, Iowa, and leads their tours to Norway program.