Reflections On The Crucifixion
A Service Of Tenebrae
Kathryn W. Orso

Price: $7.95

ISBN: 0895362007
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 24
Reflections On The Crucifixion is a Service of Tenebrae, written for either one hour or three hours, reflecting the thoughts and feelings of Jesus' disciples on that original Good Friday.

Reflections On The Crucifixion is taken from Dr. Orso's successful book, As We Love and Forgive. The tenebrae provides a lot of congregational participation and is a moving worship experience for every congregation.

Kathryn W. Orso, an assistant in the Office of Continuing Education, Essex Community College, Baltimore, Maryland, has worked in education, both church and secular, capably handling everything from writing curriculum materials to solving people kind of problems encountered in education. A graduate of Wittenberg University, she received the Master of Religious Education degree from Wesley Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Education Degree from the American University, Washington D.C. Her husband is a clergyman and they have two adult children.