Passion Play
Charles Numrich

Price: $11.95

ISBN: 0895366010
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: 26
Passion Play offers a series of six brief sketches for Lent or Holy Week which focus on three people who knew Jesus very well: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Through their eyes we see some of the major events of the Gospel, in particular those final days in the life of Jesus. Passion Play is a simple production; characters wear modern day dress and there is only one "set." Passion Play presents a sensitive insight concerning Jesus' affect on others, in his life and in his death on a cross.

Charles H. Numrich is a creative dramatist who received a degree in classical languages and English literature at Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He pursued graduate studies at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. Mr. Numrich travels throughout the country providing creative dramatic workshops as well as more intensive programs as a resident dramatist. These residencies offer groups the opportunity of concentrating their creative energy in order to produce original theater as a group art form. Mr. Numrich has been a resident dramatist in San Antonio, Texas; Phoenix Theatre in Chicago; Hyde Park Lutheran Church, Chicago; and Holden Village, Chelan, Washington.