The Undisturbed Soldier
A Chancel Play For Holy Week
Ed Irsch

Price: $10.95

ISBN: 0895366029
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: 16
The Undisturbed Soldier is a chancel play for Lent which allows us to witness Jesus' arrest, interrogation, beating, and crucifixion through the eyes of two Roman soldiers who took part in most of these events. In the interaction between these soldiers and two Jewish women, the challenge of believing in Jesus is brought to the surface. At the end of the play, three of these persons are convinced that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead while one remains "undisturbed" by it all. The Undisturbed Soldier will give an audience much food for thought concerning one's own response to the life and death of Jesus.

Ed Irsch believes that "the mission of the church is to spread the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ with each individual contributing what he does best." Ed has used drama and writing to accomplish this goal. His past experiences include working with the Christian Theater Company as executive producer and board member, and serving as chairman of the chancel committee and as choir member at Jefferson Park Lutheran Church, Chicago. His interest in music and writing has found a natural outlet in the worship of the church.