Day Of Redemption
A Tenebrae Service And Worship Drama For Good Friday
Douglas W. Orbaker

Price: $7.95

ISBN: 089536848X
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 26
This service and drama provide a complete worship resource for Good Friday. The tenebrae service Seven Words To Us makes use of the traditional "Seven Last Words" (or sentences) of Jesus from the cross. Each section includes a brief reading, a litany, and a reading or dialogue. The service concludes with a litany of commitment.

The worship drama, The Escape, may either be included as part of the service or could be used at another service -- or even another time during Lent. The action focuses on two "death row prisoners" who struggle with their fate on that first Good Friday. The conclusion will catch the worshiper by surprise.

Douglas W. Orbaker, who created the Tenebrae Service, is pastor of Cranston Memorial Presbyterian Church, New Richmond, Ohio.

Robert A. Blake is pastor of Spiceland Friends Meeting, Spiceland, Indiana.