Two Christmas Pageants
Mary Jane Mulder and Dick Coyle
Here are two delightful Christmas plays for a special celebration with your parish's children, youth, and adults.

The Night Love Was Born by Mary Jane Mulder is a contemporary re-enactment, in word and song, of the first Christmas stor

First Lesson Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (First Third), Cycle A
Robert Cueni
These sermons are based on First Lesson lectionary texts for the first third of the Season after Pentecost, Cycle A.

[Bob Cueni’s] preaching meets the unspoken criteria most pew residents bring to a church sanctuary: 1) biblically rooted,

A Catechism Companion
David M. Albertin
This book, one of a three-part series, is a narrative reflection on Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism. Its uses are many:
A companion guide for catechism classes.
A manual for new adult member classes.
A preaching resource.

Don't Despair Passages in the Gospel of John
Ron Lavin
It's a lovely thought that through one's congregation we can gain, and also give to each other, help in times of despair. Paul wrote to his Thessalonian Christians: "Therefore encourage one another テ encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing" (1 Thessalonians 4:18; 5:11). Ron Lavin illustrates this principle elegantly in the following chapters as he examines the passages in John's

Series II, Cycle B
William Keeney
Parables provide insights and lessons which are timeless. When they are employed in preaching the hearer receives images which are easy to remember. Preaching the parables provides a means of communicating the teachings of Jesus for modern Christians. Preaching the parables provides a means of communicating the teachings of Jesus for modern Christians. For each Cycle B parable Keeney includes

Sermons For Lent, Holy Week, And Easter
Charles Mountain
The Gospel of John, reveals the glory of Jesus in suffering, weakness, pain, and defeat. Author Charles Mountain takes the ironies of John and directs his message to today's hurting Christians.

The messages in this book are directed to those

Second Lesson Sermons For Lent And Easter, Cycle A
Sandra Hefter Herrmann
Based on Second Lesson texts, the message of hope rings out clearly in these sermons for Lent and Easter.

Communicated throughout these chapters is a fearless joy, an amazing hope in the knowledge that God came in the flesh like a parent...

Worship Resources For Lent And Easter
CSS Publishing
Alive For Evermore is a collection of seven worship services compiled by CSS. It recognizes the need of pastors to have in one volume, orders of service for important celebrations of the church during Lent and Easter.

You will find in

Gospel Sermons For The Season After Pentecost (Middle Third), Cycle A
Roger G. Talbott
Jesus spoke to people whose ”hearts have grown dull, and their ears hard of hearing” -- like today’s churchgoers who think they know what the preacher is going to say before the sermon begins. These sermons use parable and paradox, narrative and humo...

A Guide for Strengthening the Church
Mary Harwell Sayler (with Robert H. Sayler)
Participant Manual [5-copy set]