Another Look At The Ten Commandments
Ron Lavin

The Ten Commandments continue to provide both significant prohibitions and helpful invitations for living a moral and godly life in the 21st century. I did not post the Ten Commandments on my classroom wall, but they were imprinted more bo

Gospel Sermons For The Sundays After Pentecost (Middle Third), Cycle C
John Lynch
Many times in life we find ourselves in the midst of a troubled journey. Often the trouble is intensely personal, even spiritual, in nature. At such points, we need a guide, someone rooted in the solid reality of God's Word. As the meditations sho

A Christmas Pageant For The Congregation
Nancy Steltz
What might have happened had the Prophet Isaiah been able to transport himself, through time, to the date of Jesus’ birth? Nancy Steltz asked that question. The result is this delightful Christmas pageant. Isaiah, wide-eyed and unsure of how his prop...

A Look at the Ten Commandments for the 21st Century
David E. Leininger
With the Ten Commandments such an integral part of today's "culture wars," it would seem to be a safe assumption that most people are familiar with what the commandments actually say. Yet many surveys indicate otherwise -- and even when people can name all of the commandments, they often

Lenten Series On The Seven Last Words
Richard C. Hoefler
At Noon On Friday is a volume of reflections on the seven last words of Jesus as he hung on the cross. In his usual masterly fashion, Dr. Richard C. Hoefler holds up before his listeners the cross of Christ and calls for a devotional response...

Sermons For Advent, Christmas, And Epiphany
John R. Brokhoff
Wrinkled Wrappings is a series of pulpit messages for Advent and Christmas carved from the pen and emanating from the heart of a distinguished preacher whose messages inspire hope in the hearts of believers. Brokhoff is especially skilled at r

Series V, Cycle A
Dallas A. Brauninger
This handy worship resource provides pastors and worship planners with a worship theme for each of the three scriptural texts for each Sunday and major observance in Cycle A. Also included for each First Lesson, Second Lesson, and Gospel text are Call to Worship, Collect, Prayer of Confession, and Hymn Suggestions. An index lists hymn tunes, hymn titles, and the worship hymnals they are drawn from.

Dallas A. Brauninger, a graduate of Albion

Based Upon Cycle C Gospels
Dennis Koch
We frequently stumble into rough places which need to be made smooth. People abuse people. Streets are unsafe. Values are determined by majority vote. Ethics are shaded by The ”bottom line.”

From the prayer for the Second Sunday of Advent

Robert E. Obach and Albert Kirk
Luke intended to provide an ”orderly account” of the words and deeds of Jesus. Yet the Third Gospel is much more than an historical record; it is a living word addressed to both first century believers and the contemporary followers of Jesus. This co...

Devotions For The Alcoholic Christian
Carl Nelson
How does a Christian ever get started on the road to alcoholism?

”Where was God when I begged him not to let me take that next drink?”

How can a Christian cope with the guilt of actions committed ”while under the influence”?