A Guide For Pastors For Premarital Counseling
Les C. Wicker
This is a comprehensive sourcebook for busy pastors with information on all aspects of wedding preparation -- from premarital counseling sessions to the nuts and bolts of planning the marriage service itself.

Devotions For Couples Preparing For Marriage
Gary W. Fehring
In just nine short devotionals, For This Reason challenges new and experienced marriages with holy scripture, reminding couples that a marriage centered on godly principles always strives for contentment, surrender, sacrifice, forgiveness, and humility.

Retail Price: $16.95 (Save $6.78)
Inclusive Membership, Prophetic Vision, And The American Church
Nibs Stroupe
Whether we are conscious of it or not, we fear difference. That often unwarranted fear leads us to create enemies in our hearts and minds - and fear was no stranger to Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, as confessed by Pastor Nibs Stroupe...

Integration Under the Steeple
David E. Leininger
In this refreshingly honest and authentic analysis of what continues to be a persistent dilemma in the modern church, David Leininger offers his take on why 11:00 on Sunday morning is still the most segregated hour in America. Although attitudes toward racial issues have changed in recent decades, Leininger shows us how much they have stayed the same with a startlingly contemporary story. A Color-Blind Church represents wise advice from an experienced pastor reflecting on his own early years of ministry and how he would handle a similar ""prophetic"" opportunity in our time. This book will be a good mentoring tool for present and future pastors on how to deal with potentially controversial issues in the church.
William J. Carl III
President, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Series IX, Cycle C
George Reed, O.S.L.
The Revised Common Lectionary is not just to provide a guide to scripture reading during the church year. It can help shape the entirety of our worship. The themes for each Sunday service, as created by the lectionary, can be further explored and appreciated through Reed's poetic prayers and responsories, as well as through musical selection

Gospel Sermons for an Entire Year
Susan R. Andrews, R. Robert Cueni, Robert C. Cochran, Molly James, George Reed, O.S.L.
If you're get ideas and gain confidence reading full-length sermons and/or use them as spring boards for your own sermons, or looking for great illustrative material, you can't go wrong with this series of sermons based on the Cycle C Gospel texts

23 Special Occasion Sermons
David G. Rogne

The unique aspect of Rogne's collection of sermons is that they are not confined to the pulpit, for each sermon can be used in a small group setting or in private devotionals. Rogne's reliance upon history, literature, and scripture will enlighten any student of the word, and each sermon will encourage congregations to embrace a dig-deep approach toward God's truth.

A Christmas Drama
David Allison
In seven scenes, The Promise Fulfilled presents a simple drama, intertwining the familiar details of the Christmas story with the steadfast hope of Simeon and Anna. Drawing upon the gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke and using extended scripture readings,

Cycle A
This compilation of stories for the entire Cycle A church year is taken from StoryShare

Series IX, Cycle A For The Revised Common Lectionary
George Reed, O.S.L
Lectionary Worship Aids for Cycle A allows ministers and worship leaders to tie the entire worship experience together for their congregations.