366 Thoughts To Ponder And To Live
Lowell O. Erdahl
Winsome Wisdom is a modern-day Poor Richard’s Almanack, full of Ben Franklin-style proverbs complete with brief commentary. Erdahl’s ethics and values are apparent in these bits of wisdom. His thoughtful comments touch on issu...

Sermons And Worship Services For Advent and Christmas
David M. Oliver
This comprehensive resource of five sermons with complete worship services provides a solid, thematically integrated worship and preaching program for Advent and Christmas Eve. It celebrates the deep songs of faith which result from personal encounte...

Lent and Easter Season Resources
Janet Burton
Dedicated to providing fresh ideas for busy ministers and worship planners in a variety of settings, the Worship Innovations series offers practical resources that will bring the Bible to life and brighten your worship services. The

Series III, Cycle A
Amy C. Schifrin
If you want to make your Sunday morning services come alive, this remarkably inventive volume is exactly what you've been searching for. It's a terrific library of resources that takes the weekly lectionary texts and puts them into the mouths, ears, and hearts of the people. For each week there's a complete selection of written liturgical material (calls to worship, litanies, prayers, and benedictions) to supplement and strengthen your worship planning -- all

Three Lenten Dramas
Constance Sorenson and Ron Lavin
While we often try to fill the empty spaces in our lives with family, work, and material things, a lingering sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction seems to remain. The connections between biblical characters and these empty spaces in our lives are t...

A Christmas Eve Service
Cynthia E. Cowen
This inspirational service journeys to the inn where Mary and Joseph were denied lodging. The novel element that sets this service apart is an easy-to-produce skit that is actually a clever children’s sermon in the form of a monologue by Leah, the in...

366 Language Tools For Preachers And Teachers
Douglas B. Bailey
Writing sermons and preparing Sunday school lessons can be a very frustrating experience when you just can’t seem to find the appropriate words, images, and expressions to add zest to an otherwise humdrum presentation. Douglas Bailey’s collection of

Gospel Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third), Cycle C
John E. Berger
John Berger’s lively and invigorating messages tell us that the path to true happiness is through God. From the man who remembered to thank Jesus for being healed of leprosy to the persistent widow, from the penitent tax collector to the forgiven thi...

Series VII, Cycle B
Jerry L. Schmalenberger
Providing a fresh, timely reflection every week on assigned scripture passages is one of the most daunting tasks facing pastors. So when time or inspiration is flagging and you need the jump-start of creative ideas, the latest edition of the classic CSS resource Lectionary Preaching Workbook is just what the doctor ordered! Prominent pastor, former seminary president, and prolific

A Good Friday Tenebrae Service
James C. Killough
The focal point of this service is fourteen candles with a larger Christ Candle in the middle. As the service progresses the fourteen candles are extinguished and the worship area becomes increasingly darkened, until at the end of the service only th