Preaching The Miracles, Cycle B
Charles L.Aaron

This is an admirable example of pastoral theology at its best. Aaron's discussions of the historical background and theological significance of each text are thoroughly informed and articulate. Equally helpful are the insights he brings to

The Ministry Of Anointing
Frank Ramirez
Healing is a gift and not a right. The prayer of faith is powerful, but the most faithful prayer of power was that of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, on the eve of his great ordeal: ”Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not

Series V, Cycle A (revised)
Russell F. Anderson
Bigger, stronger, better! This newly revised edition of Russell Anderson's best-selling Lectionary Preaching Workbook retains all of the great features that have made it an indispensable tool for busy pastors who need a helping hand with their weekly homiletic research and want to make the most of their limited preparation time.

A Collection Of Monologues, Sketches, And A Short Play
Joseph McBee

Joseph McBee's well-crafted scripts reflect three loves: a love for the gift of communication, a love for the art of drama, and a love for the things of God. This union of communicator, artist, and believer makes McBee a formidable writer

New Mercies I See
Stan Purdum
In New Mercies I See, Stan Purdum does for the ministry what James Herriot did for veterinary medicine in All Creatures Great and Small. Set in rural Ohio churches, Stan's stories are humorous, poignant, thought-provoking, pathos

Sermons And Commentary For Preachers And Students Of Preaching
J. Will Ormond
One of the master preachers of today reveals how sermon styles can bring scriptural texts to life. This is a classic for students of the art of preaching.

Whenever Will Ormond preached in the Columbia Seminary Chapel, the pews were packed

Series IV, Cycle A
Beverly S. Bailey
The church is a wonderful place to use all of our God-given senses, and this inspiring collection of liturgical resources utilizes art, music, drama, silence, and even aromas to retell the marvelous story of God's covenantal relationships with humank

Lenten Midweek Vespers
Donald H. Neidigk
This book offers busy pastors a complete package of thematically related resources for Lenten preaching and worship. With services for each week in Lent plus Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday, as well as a Good Friday tenebrae service...

Liturgical Aids
John H. Will
The word ”liturgy” literally means ”the work of the people” -- so the active participation of everyone in the congregation should be the goal of Christian worship. Designed to help you attain that sense of full partnership, The Work Of The Peop...

Another Look At The Apostles' Creed
Ron Lavin
Do we really want the ”feel good,” ”sugarcoated” Christianity that is being offered in so many churches and denominations today? I don’t think so. Do we really want a faith that panders to our whims and the popular trends and fads of the day with