First Lesson Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (Last Third), Cycle A
Robert F. Sims
As people of God, we live boldly with courage and confidence. We will not tremble and quake when some new threat enters our lives. Like Ruth of long ago, many things will break our hearts but nothing can break our spirits, for we have found refuge

Dynamic Church Growth Through Small Groups
Ronald J. Lavin
Nothing is more important for ministry today than small groups. (George Gallop, Jr., a Christian who conducts polls on political and religious matters, quoted in chapter one of this book.)

Lavin is quick to point out that this book is

Choral Readings For Good Friday And Easter Day
Lynda Pujado
These two dramatic choral readings will place a permanent imprint on the conscience of all who speak and hear them. They won't be heard as much as they will be felt. The pain and the anguish, the emptiness and hatred of that Friday long ago will fill

A Flight Plan For Being An Effective And Faithful Pastor
Jerry L. Schmalenberger
This book is for all pastors. It will help new pastors get a good start in their ministry. It will provide new ideas and vision for any pastor's ministry.

Plane Thoughts On Parish Ministry evolved over a period of several years. As the

Forty Tellable Tales For Cycle B
John E. Sumwalt
All these stories will touch the heart; some will evoke laughter and tears.

Here is a collection of 40 stories, each simple and to the point. They are based on lectionary cycle B. The stories examine basic theological and moral questions.

Reflections On The Lord's Prayer
Robert G. Tuttle
I am a child of God. You are a child of God. That’s what ”Our Father” means. No one is an orphan. We have a Father: He is powerful; He is eternal; He is loving; He is close by; He knows our thoughts; He knows our needs; He can handle any situation

The Journal Of ELCA Global Mission Volunteer
Jerry L. Schmalenberger
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel throughout the world, sharing the gospel and learning about different cultures? Jerry Schmalenberger's diary gives you a vicarious opportunity to find out, as it documents some of his remarkable

Prayers For The Age of Technology
Haskell Miller
Only Dr. Haskell Miller could pray so audaciously for the world ... These unique prayers bring immediate reality to our devotions and deal forcefully with issues at hand.
Dr. Morris Pepper, Former Moderator Cumberland Presbyterian Church <

Sermons For Lent & Easter Based on Gospel Texts, Cycle C
Lee Griess
”Pastor Griess’ sermons are the kind that make you keep coming back Sunday after Sunday .” Lee Griess knows how to keep his congregation listening. He draws his listeners (and readers) in with fascinating, contemporary illustrations, and then hits ho...

Two Plays For Lent Or Good Friday
Henry Scholberg
”The Face Of Jesus” is a fresh and imaginative approach to understanding the limitless bounty of the love of Jesus. The scope of the play crosses boundaries of time and cultures to teach the universal need for that love.
Irene Parsons, his