Dramatic Sketches In Divorce Recovery
Robert Alan Ward
For Christians who have suffered through the traumatic experience of a divorce, these presentations provide the components for maintaining a deep faith while working through the process of suffering and healing.


A Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Stephen V. Doughty
On this most solemn of all Christian holy days the worship area is in semi-darkness. On the alter or table burn eight candles. As the service progresses readers share scripture from the Passion story according to Saint Mark, impart brief meditations

Becoming Who I Am
Jack C. Westman
The breakdown of our ability to handle complex social problems can be traced to a breakdown within ourselves. Unlike Eastern societies, which emphasize the inner spiritual being, our Western society emphasizes the manipulation of our external environ

First Lesson Sermons For The Sundays After Pentecost (First Third), Cycle B
Arthur H. Kolsti
Some musicians come along and the music speaks to a particular decade. The lyrics of David span the centuries... His lyrics endure and forever surface in our liturgy. (from Chapter seven)

The ten sermons in this book are based on texts

Sermons And Children's Lessons For Thanksgiving, Advent, And Christmas
Erskine White
This book of eight sermons offers many directions. One sermon tells the tale of the angel Gabriel's skeptical cousin, Hector. Another is a "once upon a time" story set in a land called Cornucopia. Yet another draws a radically prophetic vision of Chr

Lectionary Devotional for Cycle C
Stephen P. McCutchan
This volume is perfect for use as a daily devotional - five easy-to-follow formats for personal meditation are included, allowing you to combine prayer time with reading one of the week's scripture texts and its accompanying commentary. It's also a valuable reference for sermon preparation, as well as an excellent curriculum for adult classes integrating Bible study with Sunday worship. Water from the Rock is an inspirational resource that will strengthen your connection with the divine story and your ability to hear God's voice speaking through scripture.

First Lesson Sermons For Sundays After Pentecost (First Third), Cycle A
Justin W. Tull
God always has been the Great Provider. He provides for us in the midst of our abundance. He provides for us in the midst of our agony, our time of temptation, our hour of despair. He celebrates with us when our jogs triumph over our tears. So whe...

A Manual For Congregational Growth
Jerry L. Schmalenberger
The Number one priority for many parishes at the present time needs to emphasize moving he new member and/or new Christian from loyalty to the local organization to faithfulness in discipleship ... This work is an attempt to look at the evangelism

Familiar Expressions From The Bible
Ellis DillardThompson
... the apple of my eye ...
... the blind leading the blind ...
... a bottomless pit ...
... by the skin of my teeth ...
... carved in stone ...
... a drop in the bucket
... going to the dogs ...
... a millstone around one

The Platform of Jesus
Lowell Messerschmidt
When election year rolls around, it's almost as certain as death and taxes. Political candidates hit the campaign trail in droves, making endless appearances both in person and on the airwaves as they pitch themselves and their platforms to voters. Meanwhile, media pundits dissect the candidates' carefully crafted strategies. But what if Jesus were running