Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle B
Richard Gribble

The Lenten season is a time to "retune our communication system" in an earnest effort to seek God, holding on to hope no matter the trials that come our way. Though we face struggle and even death, the promise of the Lenten season is new life and a return to the home where we truly belong.

Each lesson in Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle B is bolstered by opening and closing prayers, contextual scripture and discussion questions.

John Krahn
What has happened to love?
Do we see that in American culture today?

More often, we see anger, vitriol, even hatred between opposing parties, often across political lines. But in Paul's wonderful love poem in 1 Corinthians 13, we find just the prescription an often loveless modern society needs, because llove – it's the greatest!

Full of wonderful true stories, examples from daily life, and thought-provoking questions, this book makes great sermon material, especially for weddings; devotional reading; or small group study for Christians seeking a better understanding of this much used but not fully comprehended concept of love.

A Guide For Pastors For Premarital Counseling
Les C. Wicker
This is a comprehensive sourcebook for busy pastors with information on all aspects of wedding preparation -- from premarital counseling sessions to the nuts and bolts of planning the marriage service itself.

Devotions For Couples Preparing For Marriage
Gary W. Fehring
In just nine short devotionals, For This Reason challenges new and experienced marriages with holy scripture, reminding couples that a marriage centered on godly principles always strives for contentment, surrender, sacrifice, forgiveness, and humility.

God's Gift For Growing A Great Family
Michelle Waters

Faith @ Home will speak to the hearts of mothers, fathers, grandparents, and anyone charged with nurturing a child's faith. Waters' conversational tone enables this text to be used within both small group and private devotional settings, and her reliance upon scripture ensures that parents looking for guidance on discipleship will be pointed in the right direction.

Devotions For New Mothers
Michelle Waters
The first weeks of your baby's life can be overwhelming. You're exhausted. The house is a mess. You haven't been outside in days ? You wonder how in your wildest imagination you ever thought you were prepared for this thing called motherhood. Will yo

Devotional Guides For Lent And Holy Week
Robert C. Bankhead
Based on scripture passages from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus’ Lonely Road includes two devotional guides for personal meditation and prayers during Lent. The first section covers Ash Wednesday through Passion Sunday, focusing on Jesus’ jo...

366 Thoughts To Ponder And To Live
Lowell O. Erdahl
Winsome Wisdom is a modern-day Poor Richard’s Almanack, full of Ben Franklin-style proverbs complete with brief commentary. Erdahl’s ethics and values are apparent in these bits of wisdom. His thoughtful comments touch on issu...

Words Of Wisdom From Your New Baby
Marie Shropshire
What event creates more cause for joy and celebration than the birth of a baby? Yours To Love: Words of Wisdom From Your New Baby provides practical wisdom for parents in an imaginative and entertaining way. And what parent has not secretly wi...

Lenten Season Daily Worship And Study Guide
Karen Helsel
Designed to be used each weekday during Lent, this worship guide encourages users to read from the Bible, then reflect on the readings. Six study guides enable small groups to discuss how reconciliation is working in their own lives. Stimulating ques...