Good Tidings of Great Joy
Six Advent Dramas
Cynthia S. Baker

Price: $7.95

ISBN: 0788000977
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 40
CASPAR: I had a strange dream last night, and I woke convinced that we should go in a different way.

MELCHIOR: Odd that you should say that -- I had a dream, too! I am convinced that Herod has no desire to worship the child -- he sees him as a threat to his throne. (From "The Wise Men" drama)

Here is a collection of short Advent dramas. The series can be presented with few rehearsals and limited props and costumes. Each drama easily fits within a worship setting. For a longer service, the dramas could be combined and offered as scenes for one complete service.

This series includes:
Mary and Elizabeth -- Advent 1
The villagers of Nazareth -- Advent 2
Ziph the Shepherd and his Wife Jerah -- Advent 3
Gabriel -- Advent 4
The Innkeeper's Wife -- Christmas Eve
The Wise Men -- Epiphany

Cynthia S. Baker, Aurora, Minnesota, has been writing and directing plays for the church for over 25 years. She is a graduate of Lake Erie College and the Institute for Children's Literature. This is her third CSS collection of plays.