Mothers Of The Bible
A Worship Service For Mother's Day Or Other Special Occasions
Lynda Pujado

Price: $12.95

ISBN: 0788003704
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 49
We often hear of the lack of and the need for, strong role models in our society. This worship service, about 10 biblical women who overcame seemingly impossible situations by being faithful to God, provides just such role models, The traumatic experiences and depths of faith of these women, though poignant, are rarely considered in today's society.

These 10 women came from various levels of society and had different types of problems. Yet, they all knew God as their only hope and refuge. An excellent resource for Mother's Day, it is also great for other special occasions.

Characters included are:
* Hagar
* Sarah
* Moses' mother
* Rahab
* Deborah
* Naomi and Ruth
* Hannah
* Esther
* Elizabeth

Lynda Pujado is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and has also studied at Moody Bible Institute and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. She has taught in schools in England and Spain as well as the United States. She currently resides in Palatine, Illinois, with her family.