Lectionary Tales For The Pulpit (B)
62 Stories For Cycle B
John E. Sumwalt and Jo Perry-Sumwalt

Price: $22.95

ISBN: 078800817X
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 239
Stories to help the preacher touch the hearts of adults ... children ... to evoke laughter and tears with an ironic twist or a surprise ending ...

John Sumwalt's stories are a treat-the Gospel comes alive in common life and in regular people, and suddenly we are enchanted by grace.
Donald F. Chatfield
Professor of Preaching
Garret-Evangelical Theological Seminary

John Sumwalt's stories bring the Gospel to life in the fullest sense of that phrase ... I have grown to appreciate the way John's stories direct my eyes and open my ears to God's presence in the everyday occasions of life.
Michael E. Williams
Director of Preaching Ministries
General Board of Discipleship
The United Methodist Church

John Sumwalt is a popular storyteller in churches, schools, for civic groups and on radio and television throughout Wisconsin and northern Illinois. He leads storytelling workshops for pastors, Sunday School teachers and camp counselors.

His wife, Jo Perry-Sumwalt, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, collaborates with her husband in the creations of these lectionary tales.