To Run The Race With Joy
To Run The Race With Joy
Sandy Rice

Price: $15.95

ISBN: 0788010646
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 142
Breast cancer is a national epidemic. It claims the lives of approximately 45,000 women each year. Another 182,000 women are diagnosed with the disease every year. Here is one of the only books written that addresses the needs of these women.

Living with breast cancer has changed my life in many ways.
Joy Seale

Joy Seale is one of the most courageous, brave and enthusiastic people I know ... who is willing to share the experience of her continuing battle with cancer to help others understand theirs.
Willard Scott, NBC News

Her story is awe-inspiring.
Katie Couric, NBC News

Here is a woman battling breast cancer with the ability to make people laugh.
Katherine Alley, M.D., F.A.C.S.

To Sandy: If I had only one friend left, I'd want it to be you. Love, Joy.

Author Sandy Rice was Joy Seale's youth leader when Joy was a teenager. She spent many hours guiding Joy through various adolescent stages. When Joy's mother and father died, the Rices became a surrogate family. Little did they know their lives would be knit together through cancer.

Sandy Rice is a school health aide in Alexandria, Virginia. She was an active member of Grace Brethren Church in Alexandria, Virginia, before becoming involved at Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Kingstown, Virginia. As a public speaker she addresses women's groups and church conventions on matters of faith and life.

Sandy writes: "It is not how much time God gives you on this earth that counts. It is what you do with the time you have!"

Sandy has been married to Jim Rice for 33 years and they are the parents of two children.