The Inner Circle
Studying The Lives Of 13 Apostles
E. Dale Click

Price: $7.95

ISBN: 0788015907
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 58
Why did Jesus select the twelve as apostles? What did they accomplish after the resurrection? What happened to them? What can we learn from them?

This resource provides fascinating material for reading and discussion with adult study classes during the Lenten season or as a summer study series. Discussion questions are included with each study of the twelve apostles, as well as Saint Paul.

Click writes in a style that makes us feel we can understand what really motivates each of these apostles. While he allows for imagination and comparison with the present day, he doesn't stray from the biblical accounts in discovering fascinating insights into the lives of these followers of Jesus.

Labeled the "architect" of the United Lutheran Church in America's churchwide evangelism mission, E. Dale Click practiced evangelism in his own pastorate in two suburban congregations and three central city churches. He has directed evangelism missions throughout North America, teaching thousands of pastors and lay people the meaning of evangelism. The author of four books, Click continues to serve as a consultant to numerous congregations and universities in evangelism and development as well as lecturing and preaching across the United States. He is a graduate of Wittenberg University and Hamma Divinity School in Springfield, Ohio, and furthered his education with graduate study at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California.