Life Injections II
Further Connections Of Scripture To The Human Experience
Richard E. Zajac

Price: $17.95

ISBN: 0788018752
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 156
Life Injections II shows how the scriptures can provide help, comfort, and insight into life's problems. Father Richard Zajac's heartfelt and thought-provoking messages draw inspiration from many sources, including his extensive hospital experience. Whether you're interested in striking sermon illustrations, wisdom for coping with difficult circumstances, or just bedside reading with a message of hope and peace, Life Injections II is just what the doctor ordered!

I can't help thinking that this is the book to give someone whose life is off the track for any reason. More than homilies, these messages are reflections on the scriptures, meditations for everyone to start or close the day, tools for not just getting by but getting better. You'll shed some tears, you'll smile gently or even laugh somewhere in each chapter and at the end of every one you'll say: "Wow!" Life Injections II is simply wonderful.
Rev. Msgr. J. Patrick Keleher
Director, Catholic Campus Ministry
State University of New York at Buffalo

Once again, Father Zajac taps into the fundamental need of the human heart for a good story. Whether we seek new light on a dilemma we face, consolation or comfort in distress, a bit of challenge in a time of routine, or the simple reassurance that we're not walking the human pathway alone, there is sustenance to be found here for our inner life. Zajac listens well to the stories of God's way of being with us, told in the Scriptures and in the events and experiences of life.
Sister Maureen McGuire, D.C.
Vice President/Service Culture Development, Catholic Health Care System
Buffalo, New York

Father Zajac's stories make it easy for the "saints" who sit around the kitchen table every day working, planning, and providing for their families to apply the Christian ideal to their lives. The rich variety of tales drawn from Aesop's fables, wise rabbi stories, modern sports anecdotes, the movies, footnotes of history, song lyrics, and novels keep readers interested and challenged by giving a fresh and creative perspective on the Gospel stories they have heard all their lives.
Lee Pico
Deacon, St. Mary's Cathedral
Cheyenne, Wyoming

This new collection of sermons weds instructive and engaging stories to the Word of God, underscoring the narrative core of Christian belief.
Rev. Donald Cozzens
Author, The Changing Face of the Priesthood

Richard E. Zajac has been a staff chaplain at Buffalo's Sisters of Charity Hospital since 1982. He is a member of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains, and currently serves on its certification committee. Zajac also chairs the Hospital Ethics committee at Sisters Hospital and was involved in the formation of the Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care at the University of Buffalo.