Price: $49.95
Retail Price: $49.95 (Save $0.00)
ISBN: 0788019023
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: 294
CSS Publishing Company proudly presents an all-new edition of The Wesleyan Preaching Resource, a unique contribution to the preaching ministry from some of the foremost pastors and teachers in the Wesleyan/holiness tradition. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, The Wesleyan Preaching Resource features brief worship helps plus two sermon briefs and a children's message on each week's texts from a distinguished group of pastors and scholars. This year's contributors include such luminaries as Donald Bastian, Ronald Blake, William Hossler, J. Ellsworth Kalas, Jerry Porter, Stan Toler, J. Michael Walters, and William Willimon. A monthly "Pastor's Corner" provides challenging devotions especially for preachers, and bonus sermons for special occasions and special audiences are also included. Pastors who want to emphasize holiness, heart purity, and the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and the church are certain to make The Wesleyan Preaching Resource an essential volume in their library.
Here is a practical resource for preachers. The idea is not to provide you with a canned sermon, but to "prime the pump," inspire, and stimulate creativity in your preaching and worship leading. Pastors, especially those in the Wesleyan tradition, will find this an invaluable resource.
Maxie D. Dunnam
Asbury Theological Seminary
The renewed emphasis on holiness that crosses many denominational lines makes this book on preaching and worship in the Wesleyan tradition very timely. I am confident that the help derived from The Wesleyan Preaching Resource by those in the pulpit will be demonstrated in the lives of people in the pews.
Norman G. Wilson
General Director, Department of Communications
The Wesleyan Church
Derl Keefer has rendered a great service to those in the evangelical Wesleyan tradition. The Wesleyan Preaching Resource is a useful study tool and reference aid to pastors, evangelists, teachers, and all who minister the Gospel to others. I heartily commend it to all sincere seekers after truth.
Nelson S. Perdue
Revivalism Coordinator
Church of the Nazarene