In the Footsteps of Jesus
Essays On The Contemporary Christian Journey, Volume 1
Richard Gribble, CSC

Price: $13.95
Retail Price: $19.95 (Save $6.00)

ISBN: 0788029487
Size: 6x9
Pages: 160
Walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ is a tremendous privilege, but a privilege with significant responsibilities and challenges. Following Jesus is a process that begins with the realization that Jesus first calls the believer to walk with him despite the trials of our contemporary society.

In the Footsteps of Jesus provides a method to follow the call of the Lord in the daily walk that all Christians are asked to make. This volume focuses on three themes:
• Jesus Seeks Us
• Responding to God’s Call
• Placing Our Hope and Trust in God

The content of this book will inspire believers in their daily walk with Jesus. Spending 15 minutes in Bible reading along with this companion book will help to provide spiritual guidance for the day. Thought-provoking questions at the end of each reflection will help to challenge the reader, sometimes raising deep and profound issues.

Useful for sermon illustrations, this book will also benefit individual or group study as well as personal reading and reflection.

Richard Gribble, CSC is a Roman Catholic priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross. He is a professor in the Religious Studies and Theology Department at Stonehill College in North Easton, MA. He is the author of over 35 books and 400 articles of religious history and spirituality. Among his many CSS titles are Redemption to Transformation: The Journey of Lent and Easter and The Parables of Jesus: Applications for Contemporary Life.