In the Footsteps of Jesus
Essays On The Contemporary Christian Journey, Volume 1 & 2
Richard Gribble, CSC

Price: $25.95
Retail Price: $39.90 (Save $13.95)

Size: 6x9
Pages: 310
(Go here for Volume 1 only.)
(Go here for Volume 2 only.)

Useful for sermon illustrations, this book will also benefit individual or group study as well as personal reading and reflection.

In the Footsteps of Jesus, Volumes 1 & 2 will not only assist you in deepening your personal faith but will help you use that faith in a positive way for and with others. The challenging and rewarding road of following Jesus is broken up into six parts throughout the two volumes:
  1. The call to be a Christian is initiated by Christ
  2. Our response to Christ’s invitation
  3. Our desire and need for total trust and confidence in Jesus
  4. The responsibility to follow Jesus daily
  5. The journey of service to fulfill the message Jesus proclaims
  6. The manifestation of Jesus in our lives

Fr. Gribble’s new book has four ingredients that make it a good read: he includes terminology of the Catholic faith that is familiar; through examples of peoples’ lives, he draws out the meaning contained in those familiar terms; he acknowledges the sad state of the planet which we all call home, and weaves through the whole book wonderful biblical references to enrich our faith and give us direction. All of this follows the road map he places at the beginning. It is truly a map to discipleship.
Fr. Bill Williams, Retired priest, archdiocese of Boston

Father Rick Gribble is a talented and engaging homilist who has been helping us for several years in our three-parish collaborative. Our parishioners truly enjoy and profit by his preaching, especially his story telling. Readers of Father Rick's, "In the Footsteps of Jesus," will likewise find spiritual help for their journeys of faith.
Fr. James Rafferty, Senior Priest in Residence, St. Peter Parish, Plymouth, MA

Richard Gribble’s “in the Footsteps of Jesus” is a powerful and challenging call to action, a reminder that the Christian life is, ultimately, one of discipleship. The path of discipleship is often a difficult one, especially in our modern world with its busyness and distractions. But we do not walk this road alone. Using many powerful and real-life examples, Gribble reminds us that the ever-present and faithful Lord will be our companion and our strength. I would strongly recommend this inspiring book not only to individuals but to faith-sharing communities seeking to put “The New Discipleship” into action.
Fr. Joseph Mazzone, Archdiocese of Boston

Richard Gribble, CSC is a Roman Catholic priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross. He is a professor in the Religious Studies and Theology Department at Stonehill College in North Easton, MA. He is the author of over 35 books and 400 articles of religious history and spirituality. Among his many CSS titles are Redemption to Transformation: The Journey of Lent and Easter and The Parables of Jesus: Applications for Contemporary Life.