To all of God’s children, pastor and layperson alike, this volume will lead them through weekly prayers to God. Through prayer, a connection is formed with God, which deepens one’s faith. Planning for worship should be centered around how the church can most appropriately praise God, and Pastor Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson’s volume of prayers allows pastors to focus on what is most important.
These prayers, often referred to as “prayers of the church” or “prayers of intercession,” can be modified for any locale and denomination. People connect most to God through meaningful worship, and what makes them feel most welcome is when the service impacts their daily life, whatever they might be going through.
Praying the Lectionary: Cycle B, Pastor Wehrfritz-Hanson recognizes the importance of these prayers and has written them for specific weeks of the church year. This volume is a resource that will make weekly worship planning easier and more enjoyable, for any worship leader.
Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson attended and received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, and his Master of Divinity degree from Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. A recently retired ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, he has served several congregations in the Alberta and the Territories Synod. He also served as a chaplain in the Good Samaritan Society facility of South Ridge Village in Medicine Hat, Alberta, and as chaplain with the Bethany Group in Camrose, Alberta. He is married to Julianna, also a Lutheran pastor. Wehrfritz-Hanson is the author of
Praying The Lectionary Prayers Of The Church Cycle A, also published by CSS. He enjoys hiking, bicycling, travelling, reading and amateur photography, and continues to serve as a pulpit supply pastor.
People find worship meaningful when it touches them on the level of their daily life. Our prayers, our music, our preaching and teaching must be sensitive to where people are, so that they can be led to a deeper level in their faith.
In Praying the Lectionary, Pastor Wehrfritz-Hanson uses the Prayer of the Church (also referred to as Intercessions and Prayers of the People) as an integral part of Sunday worship in mainline churches.
Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson attended and received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and his D.Min. degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatchewan, Canada. He is currently the chaplain at Bethany Meadows in Camrose, Alberta, Canada. He enjoys hiking, bicycling, traveling, reading and amateur photography. He is married to Juliana who is also a Lutheran pastor.