The Colors Of Christmas
Six Sermons And Object Lessons For Advent And Christmas
H. Michael Nehls

Price: $7.95

ISBN: 0895368382
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 43
Sis colors which appear on chancel hangings suggest six salient themes for preaching in the Advent and Christmas seasons. H. Michael Nehls has drawn on familiar colors for this series of object lessons and sermons. Each object lesson includes the use of a colored ribbon which is given to the child to wear; those who are present for six messages will have the entire "ribbon rainbow" pinned to their clothing the last time.

The messages to be shared with the congregation include:
Green, the color of Life
Purple, the color of Royalty
Red, the color of Sacrifice
Blue, the color of Eternity
White, the color of Purity and Holiness
Gold, the color of Wealth and Riches

H. Michael Nehls is pastor of St. Martin's Lutheran Church, an ALC congregation in Archbold, Ohio. He is a graduate of Capital University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary, both in Columbus, Ohio.