Lord, Empower Us
Worship Resources For The Day Of Pentecost
George Paul Mocko

Price: $3.95

ISBN: 089536851X
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 27
The Day of Pentecost calls Christians to celebrate the power of God for life. In times when the faithful feel powerless, and fear that God and the church may have nothing to say to the world, these resources provide a word of strength.

George Mocko's worship drama, The Return, is a lively and provocative play about the nature of the Christian church. Jesus listens to every charge which contemporary society lays against his bride, the church. He comes to her defense in a way that sets the accusers reeling. Thirteen speaking roles include those of Jesus, a scientist, two teenagers, a politician, several other adults, and a child.

Also included are companion aids for Pentecost Day worship: a Prayer of the Church and a children's message.

George Paul Mocko is pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Maryland.