Living With AIDS
One Christian's Struggle
Terry Boyd

Price: $12.95

ISBN: 1556732384
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 69
"Terry Boyd has touched theological depths and clear biblical understanding in his book, Living With AIDS: One Christian's Struggle. A victim of the dread pandemic ... Boyd shares the practical reality of his intimate experiences with the illness, his daily struggles to face death, his relationships with others whom he loves, both inside and outside the church, and who risk sharing their love with him in return. His words are not only informative, but inspire any reader to make direct application of faith perspectives no matter how severe, untimely, or unpredicated.

"His refusal to accept morbidity for whatever days remain for him call us to a commitment to God's purposes -- one day at a time. I could not put the book down. More importantly, it will never release me."

Leontine T. C. Kelly
President, AIDS National Interfaith Network
Bishop (Retired), San Francisco Area United Methodist Church

"Terry Boyd's writings during the last year of his life represent the faith journey of a man who has no illusions. He is going to die and he knows it.... Herein you will read about his spiritual journey, the milestones along the way, the importance of prayer, his ability to rely on God and experience God's presence. Terry also writes about the fear, bigotry, isolation, and financial hardships which too often follow a diagnosis of AIDS and which persons of faith are called to address.

"Faith is a rod by which we measure life. When I visit Terry I take a ladder. Thanks for the soul's embrace, Terry: for that 'love that flows between two spirits like water in a stream. ' "

Cathie Lyons
Associate General Secretary
Health and Welfare Ministries Department
General Board of Global Ministries
The United Methodist Church

Terry Boyd is a member of Lafayette Park United Methodist Church in St. Louis, Missouri. He is also a member of the Missouri-East Conference AIDS Task Force and a volunteer for St. Louis Effort for AIDS. Terry's hobbies include food, photography, oil painting, and calligraphy.