The Sounds And Light Of Bethlehem
Christmas Eve Worship Service
Betty Lynn Schwab

Price: $7.95

ISBN: 1556734549
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 19
Every congregation should consider incorporating this welcome addition to Christmas resources into its programming soon.
Walter Farquharson
The United Church of Canada

The blend of insights and sounds makes the Christmas story come alive.
Anne M. Squire
Former Moderator
The United Church of Canada

An excellent resource for those designing Christmas eve worship for all ages.
Marilyn Perry
General editor
The Whole People of God
Lectionary curriculum

Attention congregations with young children! Here is an exciting, happy, complete Christmas Eve worship service designed for your congregation.

The story is in three parts, set within a worship service. It is based upon two youngsters hiding in the stable while Jesus is born there.

Three young people can carry the entire story. Others could easily join the cast. Sounds that occur through the story easily capture the attention of the congregation. These may be created in the sanctuary by members of the congregation or pre-recorded.

New Revised Standard texts are used. The author faithfully follows the biblical story of Jesus' birth.

Betty Lynn Schwab is an ordained clergy woman on the staff at Meewasin Valley United Methodist Church, Saskatoon, Canada. Her other CSS title is Do You Hear What I Hear? a Christmas Eve worship service.