When It's Twilight Time
30 Worship Services For Retirement Settings
Clement E. Lewis

Price: $14.95

ISBN: 1556738374
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: 133
This book offers 30 meditations and complete orders of worship for use by clergy or lay persons at retirement centers. Each service includes and opening prayer, suggested scripture, hymns, easy-to-present meditations and appropriate closings. Along with 26 topically-based services, this volume features worship outlines for Easter, communion, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Worship themes include:
* If We Are Dreamers
* The Best Surprises
* The Larger Design For Living

"As a minister with 56 years of experience, the last 15 of which I have spent ministering to and living with older persons, how I wish a volume such as Chaplain Lewis' When It's Twilight Time had been available to me!

The themes he has selected, and the manner in which he has organized them; his choice of hymns, prayers, scripture readings, and other worship helps; and his appropriate and timely illustrations reveal a keen insight into the interests and needs of older persons and those who work with them."

Rev. W. Darwin Andrus
San Antonio, TX

Clement E. Lewis has served as chaplain at Morningside Meadows, an ecumenically sponsored retirement community in San Antonio, Texas, since 1982. He is a graduate of Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, and previously served as pastor of churches in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.