Series IV, Cycle A
Gregory L. Tolle
Jesus considered stories to be an essential teaching tool -- his preaching was filled with stories, and he used parables because he knew that people could relate to them. So if you're looking for a well-told, imaginative, and inspirational story that will take you right to the heart of the scriptures, the newest edition of CSS' popular Lectionary Tales For The Pulpit series is just

Sermons For The Fall Season
Michael Wuchter
For Michael Wuchter, the gospel is in the details. From the story of the pilgrims who over-invited to that first Thanksgiving Day to the sugar content in grapes at the harvest, Wuchter probes the parables and sayings of Jesus to find every possibl...

Words Of Wisdom From Your New Baby
Marie Shropshire
What event creates more cause for joy and celebration than the birth of a baby? Yours To Love: Words of Wisdom From Your New Baby provides practical wisdom for parents in an imaginative and entertaining way. And what parent has not secretly wi...

Creative Teaching Aids For The Church Classroom
Mary Rose Pearson
Do you ever have trouble keeping the attention of the children in your Sunday school classroom? Do you find that the young people get restless? Would you like some help in getting kids interested in the Bible? Then use one of the activities in this b...

How And Why We Worship
Dennis R. Fakes
”I love this church and its liturgy and know that something very valuable is weekly unappreciated by millions of us.” That ”something” in the author’s preface is the Lutheran liturgy.

Understanding that liturgy is ”the work of the people in w...

Series VIII, Cycle A - Cradled in God's Heart
Thom M. Shuman
Preparing worship services for each Sunday can be very challenging -- especially capturing just the right balance between reverence for God and relevance to our everyday lives. In Cradled in God's Heart, the newest edition of CSS' Lectionary Worship Aids series, Thom

Plus Other Humorous Stories
Hoover Rupert
God made a few perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair.
Subject: Baldness

A certain church was taking a missionary offering. As the plate was passed to one dour-/aced man, he growled, ”I don’t believe in missions.” The ush...

With An Eye To The New (Cycle C)
Elizabeth Achtemeier
Prominent author and biblical scholar Elizabeth Achtemeier provides an outstanding preaching and study resource with this collection of brief expositions on all of the First Lesson texts contained in Cycle C of the Revised Common and Lutheran Lection

Accounting And Administrative Guidelines That Promote Church Growth
Arnold Cirtin
Pastors are schooled in theology and ministry, but few receive training in the fine points of church administration. Learning how to handle a congregation's finances "on the job" can be a harrowing experience. Yet efficiently managing your church's b

A Handbook For New Christians
Jerry L. Schmalenberger
Preparation For Discipleship is for those who wish to improve their understanding of the language of faith. In the process it leads the reader to a deeper awareness of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Written in easy-to-underst