Dynamic Sketches, Scenes, and Scripts for the Season
Arley K. Fadness
Using the timeless scene of the Bethlehem stable as a visual backdrop, Blueprints for Advent and Christmas provides dynamic resources for creating a memorable and inspiring worship experience that will be remembered for years to come.

An Easter Sunrise Drama
Lawrence H. Balleine
Give your congregation a new perspective on the Easter story with this chancel drama that depicts the familiar events of Jesus’ death and resurrection from the viewpoint of a Roman soldier. A series of brief vignettes portrays the soldier’s transform

Inspirational And Devotional Illustrations
Don R. Yocom
Whether you’re looking for a great collection of sermon illustrations, or just want to enjoy reading amusing and inspiring anecdotes drawn from a lifetime in the ministry, Windows For Life is a fascinating book you’ll want to include in

57 Vignettes For Cycle B
Robert F. Crowley
Studies have indicated that 75% of what an audience learns and remembers is a result of what they see, while 13% comes from what they hear. Drama puts both together and prepares the audience with a vivid sermon illustration that kindles their anticipation of the pastor's sermon.

The majority of these mini-dramas run 3-5 minutes in length.

Six Advent Dramas
Cynthia S. Baker
CASPAR: I had a strange dream last night, and I woke convinced that we should go in a different way.

MELCHIOR: Odd that you should say that -- I had a dream, too! I am convinced that Herod has no desire to worship the child -- he sees him as

Congregational Resources for Lent
Arley Fadness
Using da Vinci’s classic Lord’s Supper as a backdrop, Blueprints for Lent offers a Lenten experience for your congregation that will be remembered for years to come. This series is an offering of programs and worship designed for pa...

Reformer Or Heretic?
Thomas E. Patten
Martin Luther: Reformer or Heretic? is a study about the leader of the Reformation that is easily adapted for discussion groups and adult Sunday school classes. Each of the three sections of the book offers discussion questions.

Sports Anecdotes For Preachers
Richard A. Hasler
God’s Game Plan will add color, warmth, humor, and imagination to any preacher’s message. Its anecdotes can be used by anyone who seeks to interpret more effectively the Good News in our day.

The book includes over 75 sports anecdotes

Lessons about Life, Learned on the Lake
Patty Mondore
It's time to sit back, put on your life jacket, and get ready for an adventure as the author, Patty Mondore, shares a few of the lessons about life that she's learned on the lake. What you need is A Good Paddling!

Anyone who has spent time on the water would

A Christmas Pageant For Youth Of All Ages
Georgianna Summers
This delightful Christmas pageant includes speaking, reading, and non-reading parts for all the children in your congregation. Pre-schoolers, younger children, older youth, and their adult audience will all enjoy exploring a variety of charming Chris...